Roadmap Update | March 10th, 2025

Hey there, Project Winter Community! Sam here, Sr. Producer for Project Winter.

As most of you know, we released a community survey back in January. We received over 1000 responses in both English and Chinese. From the bottom of my heart, I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to answer our questions and provide us with your thoughts. We have taken the last ~2 months to aggregate, translate, and sort through all the responses, and have made some decisions regarding the future of Project Winter, specifically our plans for 2025.

We would like to make sure that all new and existing players know - and truly feel - that we, as Developers, are committed to making sure Project Winter continues to live and thrive. As a result of this endeavor, I have a 2025 roadmap that we'd like to share with everyone. We are calling this our "Road to Project Winter v2.0". I want to be crystal-clear that this is not a sequel to Project Winter, but rather, a refreshed Project Winter experience.

We will not be releasing specifics about any of the items on the roadmap - we want to surprise you with each content update / release - but we do want to show you what we're working on! We are planning the following changes to be released this year:

  • We will release at least 2 new maps
  • Lobby hosts will be able to select what map to play next
  • Gondola map is coming back to Normal mode!
  • We are removing both the Ally role and Wild Spirit (ghost bear) from Normal modes
  • We will be releasing something we are code-naming "Cabin Fever" (no details about this will be announced, so don't ask )

In addition to all of the above changes, we will also be making a ton of balancing changes to in-game messaging, items, inventory management, player block function, the Store, and the HUD/UI. We will also be adding a new throwing mechanic! We are very excited for what the year has in store for us and for the community, and we hope you will love everything when it is released!

Roadmap Image